Happy New Year in the name of the Lord. We welcome you all back to receiving our newsletters. Of a truth, last year was filled with God’s influence and help. We enjoyed grace and mercy.
For 2023, God is saying, “This is the year of my kingdom and rule. The message of my kingdom will fill our hearts, minds, and space. It will be everywhere.” We need to go back to the kingdom theology.
Isaiah 33 is the chapter that describes the events of 2023 — the year of the King.
1. A time of his graciousness to the world reflective in climate, healthcare, and technology.
2. A time of judgment and justice against evil and its doers
3. A time of God’s fear and safety in the church and confidence in the body of Christ
4. A time of consecration and exaltation for the believers in diverse fields of influence.
To the world
A. Curves and bends as regards climate. Be ready to be surprised. The graciousness of God will not allow the free downward spiral into collapse. Yet, God says, “it is my hand extending another chance due to the prayer of the saints. The groaning of the climate is an attention call to the world. Will the believers hear?”
B. I saw a man I believed to be the Canadian PM. In the vision, I heard that they had wanted him to resign but he didn’t want to and he didn’t resign. But in the coming days, he would resign and leaves the office.
Why? I asked.
The voice said to me, “the global shift that has caused many people to move to Canada is the reason. Many believers who hold territorial influence have entered into that sphere and as they pray, the spiritual hierarchy must change.”
C. I was lifted up and as I looked, it was the Western world that I saw. I saw little dots of light (as the stars look when one looks at the sky at night) but it was a dark feeling all over the western civilizations. These dots of lights suddenly began to fly from the West towards the East part of Western civilization, crossing over the North Atlantic Ocean (From North America into Europe).
Then I saw an old man who was wailing and lamenting. He shouted, “These demons just flew past me, I could almost hear the wings flap. The United Nations said they were going to do something about these menaces, but they didn’t. Now, the continent of Europe has to deal with these menaces that originated from America. We need to seek divine help for the failures of the United Nations.”
Europe is going to see the influx of evils, menace, and unrighteousness of American origin spread across Europe. It would be such that it would affect the peace and security of Europe. The main responsibility of the United Nation is Maintaining International Peace and Security, it will not be able to hold that responsibility for we are about to see a day of thick tension between North America and Europe economically, politically, trade wise. The North American continent would form such an alliance/pact with itself trying to increase its influence and power.
However, to clip the wings of these demons, believers must pray. And then, like lightning from heaven, they will fall. Prayer that God raise us men after His heart who would mediate international peace and stability in such a way that men would see your hand and give you glory.
D. God said to me; “Pray for South Africa to be zealous yet again for me and my ways. The letter to the Laodiceans is for them (Revelation 3:14–22).” In the move of God for Africa, the South African region is a major player. But they are not in it because of a lack of zeal for God.
South Africa, find your zeal. You’re too burdened by many things. For a ‘David’ is there to replace ‘Saul’ and a ‘Judah’ is there to supplant ‘Joseph’.
E. In the coming seasons, we will see great technological advancement in health established on principles of wickedness, yet God has caused an increase in the spirit of wisdom and creativity amongst His people. He has also caused an increase in the working of the miraculous by believers to the end that the world sees and knows that God is in our midst.
F. Students, men, and women with abilities and skill sets, business icons, creatives, etc. should be careful of freebies in the coming year.
To Nigeria
I saw a vision of an electoral debate between the Ogun State incumbent Governor and another aspirant. It was a rather simple debate, not fierce and heavy. The opponent wasn’t fierce but he tried. The debate ended in laughter for all.
However, what stood out was that the incumbent government was dressed in the Traditional Hausa regalia with big head gears and flowing gowns. Then I knew that the influence of the Hausa North is heavy or about to take its toll on him.
If he wins the reelection in 2023, we must pray for him that the holds of the North over him is lost. Because before this vision, I had heard God whispers to me “Samuel Ajayi Crowther”.
I believe a foreign influence wants to arise over Ogun State (Abeokuta precisely) but God has stirred the mantle of Ajayi Crowther (in both power, confidence, and linguistic abilities) to counter this foreign influence and darkness that wants to ride in on politics.
To the Church
A. I believe we would see more exodus of people of other faith into the Christian Faith. It would be evident and undeniably so, for God must establish His rule over the pantheon of men.
B. I see a day when financial institutions and companies will finance the gospel of Christ. They will have their banners and displays at annual Christian gatherings for the cattle on the thousand hills are God’s.
C. Marriage. God reminded me that we will see His grace over the institute of family/marriage. He reminded me of the word from Sept 7, 2022.
God will not just deal with divorce, He is raising kingdom families that will give the next generation a boost. Our responsibility is to
1. Maintain healthy and visible families
2. Godly discipline in families and relationships
I believe The Winlos (a Nigerian Christian Couple) is one of God’s strategic corner piece in this move. They will take the healing to families beyond the borders of Nigeria into the nations of the earth.
Thank you,
Adesoji Fasanya