4 min readDec 31, 2023



Calvary greetings to everyone who has supported Eden House. This being our third year of a consistent monthly prophetic newsletter, we are grateful to God and thrilled to have you all. We’ve had testimonies of God’s faithful and miracles in Eden House, even during our BEARING OTHERS’ BURDEN, PROPHETIC TEACHINGS AND NEWSLETTERS inclusive.

2024 is THE YEAR OF THE DAVIDs. We will see the rise of many “Davids” who will take the place of “Sauls”. Davids as individuals, systems, companies, institutions, etc. Let the “Davids” arise and let the “Sauls” aid and not hamper them, else the “Davids” will ride the “Sauls” into glory.

A. To the Church.

  1. On 18/12/23, God said to me; “Denominationalism is the enemy of the end-time Church.” This is not to say that one should not be a member of a local assembly church but that overestimation of your denomination in the grand scheme of divine agenda is to be curtailed.

2. On the 28th of November, 2023. God sent His angel to open His word to me. It was a quick vision, I saw. In it, I saw ancient Catholic structures crumble and the Pope sought for safety in another structure built as a contingent plan. I believe in 2024, the influence of Catholicism as a denomination will dwindle. Schisms and factions will rock the church on the issues of biblical doctrine and faith. However, the body will prevail over the head. We might even see a physical manifestation of this vision.

This crumble or fall is traceable to the alignment of Catholicism as a system with the world’s systems. And another will take her place.

3. It is important to read our piece on Rebellion and Sedition so that we are equipped against the wits of the devil. This is because unity makes the Church effective in these last days.

4. To the Church in Nigeria; God is going to make a distinction between His people and those who aren’t but parading themselves as God’s. This distinction will be obvious, for every pulpit where God alone is not exalted will be made as quiet as a graveyard.

B. To Nigeria.

  1. On the 16th of November, 2023, my heart perceived that if the god “Ashtoreth” is allowed into Nigeria, the prophetic destiny will leave and the mantle will fall on another country. This god attacked subtly but the nation must reject it firmly.

2. On the 6th of December, the Word of God came to me about Nigeria for 2024 from Hosea 13:10–14. The Presidency can’t save Nigeria for many placed their trust in the office and demanded a man in the seat but God is saying “the birth pangs should have been reduced except that Nigerians aren’t discerning enough”. However, the Redeemer says, “I’ll ransom Nigeria”.

3. God says to tell everyone who for the sake of self-preservation or greediness, connived to steal Nigeria’s 2023 Elections, to prepare their homes for judgment will rain on them like rain.

He says, “You have trusted in your wit and might and trusted in the arm of flesh, now, you will see the failure of the arm of flesh, and the chariots of Egypt and Assyrian will not deliver you. For I will fight against you and also against Egypt and Assyria. They will be too busy trying to save themselves for them to remember to help you.”

Only repentance and confession can save you (Proverbs 28:13, 1 John 1:9).

C. To the World.

  1. On the 16th of November, 2023, in a vision, I was invited into this meeting of World leaders, in the meeting, I was advocating against disinformation and censorship of the right of everyone to right information in the meeting. Then a lady among the leaders argued for the disinformation. I then asked, would you rather people know the truth and act based on the truth they know or that they know half truth or are disinformed and act accordingly or not act at all? Then the vision lifted.

I believe I was confronted by the principalities and demons of deceit and falsehood.

2. 2024 is a year of witty inventions. Not necessarily godly but witty. Be aware!

3. Israel’s victory over Hamas will not be because of US support but the Church’s support. US will be stretched thin on all fronts but will the people elect for themselves, God’s will?

4. On the 27th of December, 2023, I saw a vision of Putin, he was addressing the Western civilization and its ungodly traits such as LGBTQ. I saw him as a force raised by the heavens (like Cyrus) to withstand the proliferation of the LGBTQ movement. My prayer is that in the coming seasons, he prospers in this very assignment.

In conclusion, God said to me that the world systems will be brazen in their efforts while the church will metamorphose in God’s hands. 2024 will mark a turning point in the history of the church. The world will watch as the church becomes more useful in God’s hands.

I’d also like to encourage every woman expecting the fruit of the womb. It’s the womb of answers season and please don’t lose hope and faith, pray some more, God is putting seeds into the womb of women and these seeds are His answers to the world’s problems.

Remain ever blessed,

Adesoji Fasanya.




Written by EDEN HOUSE

A prophetic house with the divine mandate to raise a prophetic generation with true prophetic culture. IG: @propheticvibes Contact: edenhouseconnect@gmail.com

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