4 min readDec 31, 2024



A. Greetings to you in the name of the Lord, the Faithful, Almighty, and the Only Wise God.

It is with utmost gratitude that I write to you, I do not consider myself to have arrived due to the number of readers our articles and newsletters are getting, if anything we are grateful to God and to everyone who looks to our light for guidance of some sort. To Christ alone be the praise. This is our third year and we are grateful for it.

B. Among many things that 2025 will be, it will be the YEAR OF STORMS. A storm is peculiar in that in the wake of its aftermath, an opportunity to rebuild resurfaces. Storms will hit but with it, the chances to correct anomalies, rebuild and repair. These storms will hit globally and in different parts and places. It could well be literally but I am sure it’s also figuratively. Storms in politics and economy will expose the wickedness of men and hidden works of darkness but it will come. Storms that will even sweep through the Church and Health institutions. And the list goes on. But when they come, you’ll have the chance to do better. Men must do better. This is why 2025 should also be seen as THE YEAR OF MULTIPLE CHANCES.

C. In a vision on the 17th of November 2025, I was in the UK and I saw immigrants in their numbers living poorly and in camps. The standard of living was low, it was such a painful sight. Please pray for both legal and illegal UK immigrants, they’ll need it.

Four days later, Christ sent His Angel to unseal a vision to me and what I saw was judgment. For I saw a sea of insects on their way to execute divine judgment. Then a declaration followed, “A Plague; An Insect Outbreak; An Insect Epidemic! The Outbreak will be more than the one in 1999.” After my vision was lifted, I searched only to discover that there was a Beetle Outbreak in Tennessee in 1999. The reality of the vision was palpable as I kept itching my body after the vision ended.

“To what end”, I prayed. The Lord said to me, “A STORM FORCES OR COMPELS MEN TO REARRANGE.”

D. 2025 should be redeemed in prayers! Now that many Christian gatherings will be praying and fasting in January, many should use this time to redeem 2025.

E. I must add what I have heard from the Lord concerning NURTW in Nigeria. The Lord’s judgment is upon you and your wicked and evil leaders. Your leadership has eaten and grown fat, she has grown fat on the tears and evil done to others. Pride has filled your heart and your soul is haughty like the one who loves evil.

Your judgment is near and your wickedness will end. Your empire will crumble and the tale of your fall will be taught from one generation to another, for generations ahead to know that wisdom and power is not with man but with He who rules over all.

F. God is rearranging His soldiers and reshuffling them. God is putting His trusted soldiers in strategic places and building structures that will be both formidable and effective in spreading His rule in the days ahead and beyond.

Connections are being made; bonds are made; and kingdom relationships are being forged for this purpose. The execution of the divine agenda is upon us. God is ready; is the church ready?

Moreover, it is expedient to begin to embrace the teaching outlook. Ministries must begin to teach. Evangelists should teach; Prophets should; Apostles too and Pastors. Everyone should incorporate teaching into their ministerial expressions. This is because in the years to come and in this generation, those who will lead the frontiers of the kingdom will do it via teaching. They won’t just teach, they will answer the question of “why” in the hearts of many believers and unbelievers alike. People will be curious; they will not just ask questions but they’ll ask why and the reason for events and things. When they begin to ask, God’s servants must be equipped with the right answers. Right answers are not necessarily accurate answers but correct answers to the questions at the heart of the questionnaire.

G. It is therefore time to trust God and His word. To turn from trusting men and the programming of men, to turn to the One who made all flesh. Whom you trust in the days ahead is germane to what is to follow and what your lot will be. 2025 IS THE YEAR TO TRUST GOD!

H. As I bring this newsletter to a close, I must also mention that 2025 is the YEAR OF THE PASSOVER. I see God preparing many of His people to hold on to apostolic faith; the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. It is to prepare His people for what 2025 will bring. Only those who have faith will enjoy deliverance as the Children of Israel enjoyed in Egypt and as they did, crossing the Sea. But those without faith may never enjoy His rest and may fall away as some of the Israelites did in the wilderness. Let him that reads understand the truth and parable that I have scribbled down.

God bless you.

Adesoji Aderemi

Team Lead, Eden House




Written by EDEN HOUSE

A prophetic house with the divine mandate to raise a prophetic generation with true prophetic culture. IG: @propheticvibes Contact: edenhouseconnect@gmail.com

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