5 min readJul 31, 2022



Greetings to you all in the name of the Lord. We want to specifically appreciate everyone who has always read through our prophetic newsletters since the year began. Our newsletters contain prophetic words that have already been fulfilled before our very eyes, the recent being the Indian 2022 Presidential Elections. You can read more about the July 2022 Prophetic Newsletter here. To God alone be the praise.

During the month of July, we released a prophetic teaching piece titled THE SPIRIT OF MAMMON. In the piece, we seek to establish the truth that the influence of mammon is great and is seen in people’s lives. We concluded that confidence in God and rest in His word is the solution and guard against the spirit of mammon. You can read more here. This piece was written in a bid to fortify our hearts and prepare us for the shaking in the banking and economic sectors; it is important that our heart is totally dependent on the Lord and His word of assurance.

It is worthy of note that the word of God will not fail and let those who count His patience and longsuffering as slackness rethink (2 Peter 3:9). Countries like India are already recording all-time high in currency devaluation against the dollar and according to Daily Trust, in a publication on the 15th of July, the World Bank lists Nigeria among the top 10 countries with the worst inflation rate (we know how much a Dollar is worth in Naira in the parallel market). In addition, Nigeria’s debt service to revenue ratio is at an all-time high. This isn’t celebrating bad news, this is to get your heart to be prepared and the answer is TRUST AND CONFIDENCE IN THE LORD.

What then have we been able to capture from the heart of God?

On the 15th of July, as I prayed for the country of India (in a bid to war with the prophecy of the vision of a woman president), God began to explain to me that a woman being the president of the country isn’t just what He is about. He is about a covert operation to confront the gods of the land and attack their strongholds. He said, “Just as the flood of Noah rid the earth of the ancient gods and evil prevalent in those days, so will the flood of Mumbai. And afterward, as there was newness and lushness after the flood of Noah, so will the people of Mumbai. Wealth will be redistributed and the economic gap between the rich and poor will close down.”

It is interesting to know that I have never been to India and was not interested in knowing about the country until God started to speak to me about her. When the Lord mention Mumbai, I thought it was the capital city of the country but as I researched, I found out that New Delhi is but Mumbai is often regarded as the financial capital of the country. Through the news, I found out that the country had begun to decouple from the economic influence of China and indeed I believe this is a big step. The concern of the government for indigenous companies and industries will yet increase and the nation will be better for it. That the country has its first tribal president isn’t for show, it is the first step towards an economic boom. Read here to understand better and get set for a stealth operation.

Now let us talk about Nigeria and its states.

A. On a particular day in June, I saw a revelation that a camp among those aspiring for electoral offices in 2023 had begun planning on how to rig the elections. I saw people filling ballot papers in a bid to rig the elections but God said to me, “I will send fire from heaven and in a night burn all of these because I am indeed against them.” Take a prophetic instruction: If you intend to participate in any form of electoral rigging, please desist.

B. On the 11th of July, God instructed me to pray for Oyo State. During the prayers, I heard in my spirit: Industrial Revolution. The economy has largely been sustained by land cultivation and allocated State allowances but God is saying, ‘when the righteous rule; the people prosper and the land excels (Proverbs 29:2).

C. I was in a gathering during the month when I heard God say, “The voice of Gad is over Ogun State.” As my usual practice is, I started digging into the Scripture and found that

  1. Gad is the seventh son of Jacob and the Hebrew meaning of Gad is “troop” (Genesis 30:11)
  2. Jacob prophetically spoke over Gad and his descendant that although they would be defeated they will triumph in the end (Genesis 49:19)
  3. Gadites were regarded as valors and a tribe of warriors (1 Chronicle 5:18), they even led the Children of Israel into war to possess the Promised Land (Joshua 1:12–16).
  4. One scripture that stands out so much is Jeremiah 49:1–2. What is becoming of the indigenes of Ogun State will change if they pull up their valiant mindset. My mind casts back to the last Labour Strike in the state, they showed courage at the start but soon gave it away after a few days without getting their rights from the government. The land is a land of valiant men who will only get their rights and better the future of the next generation if they stand as warriors. If the state will get better, the people must demand it.

Oh, Ogun State! Land of the warrior and valiant. Your lot and privileges are taken by another. Enough of your sleep, O fierce-looking lion. Arise and challenge for what is rightfully yours.

As a form of encouragement, let us check the book of Habakkuk. In chapter 1, we find the prophet being burdened by the presence of evil, violence, unrighteousness, and all forms of wickedness in the nation. He began to ask God questions of ‘how long’, and ‘why’. Like Habakkuk, Nigerians are fed up with the evil and menace of corruption, injustice, and bad governance to mention a few. The cry of the people is filled with questions of ‘how long’ and ‘why’.

In verse 5 of Habakkuk 1, we read the reply of God. “I am doing a work in your days”, He said. Let every believing Christians know that certainly, God is already working in the nation and we will be shocked by it. Therefore, instead of complaining and sorrowing, harken to the instruction of God, which is “Look among the nations and watch”. We are burdened with the heartbreaking reports and news that we hear, it is time to observe closely and watch to see the hand of God already at work. When we do so, faith and hope will surge in our hearts. It is dangerous to be without faith and hope, be encouraged.

Adesoji Fasanya

Team Lead, Eden House.




Written by EDEN HOUSE

A prophetic house with the divine mandate to raise a prophetic generation with true prophetic culture. IG: @propheticvibes Contact:

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