5 min readJan 31, 2022


Hello, and congratulations to you.

I also appreciate you for joining us on this move. The Prophetic Newsletter that you are about to read is a piece that we received from God, we have tried to express them using the right words and phrases as best as we can but we understand the limitation of human language. We hope that you would take your time to prayerfully read through so that you can grasp the full meaning and understand your place and alignment.

If you are conversant with the happenings around the world, you will notice that many of the things below have started to unveil between the start of the year and now. For instance, the brewing war between US and China around Australia, racial war becoming tenser; locally, we are seeing more kidnappings and killings around places that used to experience safety.

On the bright side, we are also seeing more godly marriages taking the stage and spreading everywhere. Many are believing in marriage amidst the feminist mindset.

Be alert and discerning as you read through.


On the 30th of December, 2022. God sent an angel to show me this revelation. I saw that a war was brewing between two kingdoms. It was the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of men. The vision I saw didn’t start at the beginning of the war because the kingdom of darkness had sent out a flying beast/bird. This beast had overcome the kingdom of men for a season until they captured it. They didn’t kill it, they kept it in captivity; more like imprisoned this bird.

As I looked, I saw in the kingdom of darkness diverse creatures/beings; Nephilim, reptile-like creatures, human-like creatures, and bird-like creatures. They seem to be living behind a covering sheet as though they were living in a dimension that the world of men couldn’t see but they could see the kingdom of men.

Suddenly, one of the human-like creatures initiated a revolt against the order they had been given. And it was to ensure that they went and free the imprisoned bird-like beast. The order is that they can’t go blazing into the kingdom of men, they have to find access. But the human-like creature didn’t like the peace the kingdom of men seemed to be enjoying and was able to find support and consensus from other creatures and they all agreed to go and free the bird-like beast.

They all went and came into the kingdom of men, fighting, destroying, stealing, and killing. I saw men, women, young and old, rich and poor, everybody was running and looking for shelter. The invasion was destroying like never before. I saw members running out of the church during the Sunday service, seeking shelter.

As the vision progresses, I saw men in their numbers calling on God and repenting in their sins. I beheld their cry of mercy reach out to heaven and a voice came from heaven and suddenly the whole invasion stopped and I saw Nephilim turned into big boxes. The fear on the faces of men was profound but then it fell and broke like empty boxes. I saw as the kingdom of darkness retreated and in their kingdom, I saw many of them wounded and injured, nurturing the wounds of war.

Then as I looked, I saw the church reign and prevail. The church even made the event into a movie and used it for movie evangelism.

As I prayed, I knew the year ahead there will be victory over Covid-19 (the bird-like beast). Not that Covid-19 will be no more but man would have been able to get it under control. Men would be happy but before man could enjoy his rest away from the pandemic, he will be hit by another disaster of war, and only those who call on the name of the Lord will be saved. Because the event will set the stage for the reign of the church.

Romans 1:21–23 says,

“because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were they thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.

Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man- and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.”

The above scripture captures the images of the beasts from the vision, hence, we need to understand

  1. This season, be careful of ingratitude and unthankfulness. It is a dart of the enemy to quench the fire of God in your space.
  2. Give the diligence to know God for yourself and know Him better.

Things that stand out of the vision

  1. It is worthy of note that the flying bird wasn’t killed, it was captured. The world has experienced evil and unrest for a while; the kingdom of men will not eradicate the cause of the unrest and evil but will overcome it by living above it. This is wisdom! Corona-that evil bird isn’t disappearing anytime soon, but men will cage it.
  2. The mercy of God. The mercy of God is released upon us in this season, you will be doing yourself a great deal of help if you call upon His mercy.
  3. Don’t forsake the gathering of the believer. That is where shelter is. It is in the body of Christ that you will have safety.
  4. The world should not be deceived of a feigned peace that is man-made. Wealth can’t bring peace, man’s cunningness can’t either. For peace is the personhood of Christ and until He speaks from heaven, peace remains farfetched.
  5. Stealing, killings, and all manner of evil will increase but the bereaved’s cry will tear down evil clamping. So this season, speak out; cry out; your voice is not negligible, it is very important.
  6. The victory is the church. For in the gross darkness will the light shine and shine even brighter.


I was having a conversation with a friend over the phone when I got stirred in my spirit and I understood an important move of God;

God said to declare that He is moving to confront the demon called ‘divorce’. He says that He would clip its wings and revival the culture of love and submission.

I began to ask, ‘God, why this move?’

Then He took me to Malachi 2:10–16. In this scripture, we see why God loves the institution of marriage and this is the very reason why He will clip the wings of divorce; because HE SEEKS GODLY OFFSPRING. God is seeking godly children because they are His heritage and He wants to work with them (1 Kings 20:13–14)

The divorce rate is high; in the US, 1 in every 2 couples divorces or is divorced (Divorce Rate by State 2021). Watch out over the next 5 years and see this rate fall. It will fall because God will raise godly homes that will be a model to many young ones.

Glory! Hallelujah!!

Adesoji Fasanya,






Written by EDEN HOUSE

A prophetic house with the divine mandate to raise a prophetic generation with true prophetic culture. IG: @propheticvibes Contact: edenhouseconnect@gmail.com

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