1 min readFeb 22, 2022

I am a student, I had a major exam early this January and February, and when I saw the prayer requests of BEARING ANOTHER’S BURDEN 2022 that you posted, I decided to send in my request.

Before now, I am always afflicted with fear and sickness every time I have an exam coming and I was fed up, so I sent my request in, particularly to get delivered from the hold of sickness, fear, and also pass my exams.

A while later, I got a mail from EDEN HOUSE saying “You are healed and from now, you are dominating over fear and sickness.”

I was encouraged, and I can say for the first time since I’ve been writing exams, I didn’t fall ill while preparing for this exam. Fear, sometimes would raise its head during the exams, words from the EDEN HOUSE kept ringing in my head and I would keep confessing them and guard my heart with the words.

The result came out and yes, I passed convincingly without sickness.

To God alone be the glory. I’m grateful to God and Eden House.

  • E

Written by EDEN HOUSE

A prophetic house with the divine mandate to raise a prophetic generation with true prophetic culture. IG: @propheticvibes Contact: edenhouseconnect@gmail.com

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