EDEN HOUSEI am a student, I had a major exam early this January and February, and when I saw the prayer…Before now, I am always afflicted with fear and sickness every time I have an exam coming and I was fed up, so I sent my request in…Feb 22, 2022Feb 22, 2022
EDEN HOUSEWith gladness of heart and joy, I am sharing the story of my marital success with everyone.My relationship/marital challenge started around 2019 till when I started my internship program. My parents were not putting pressure on…Feb 8, 2022Feb 8, 2022
EDEN HOUSEI am finally graduating from school after 8 years of trouble, pressure, tears, and disappointment.Repeating in 100, and adding menial jobs like painting, selling food to school to meet my needs. It was in 400level, I knew I wouldn’t be…Feb 1, 2022Feb 1, 2022