3 min readOct 31, 2022



Image from the Word Among Us

Greetings to you in the name of the Lord. If you have been following our newsletters, you would have read how we spoke about floods and shaking of the financial institutions such as banks and so on. These things are happening with institutions like Paypal getting hit amongst others, and many nations are being affected by the flooding.

As we used to say, it is not about the accuracy of the prophetic word but it is more about the preparation of the minds and actions toward the prophetic words. We have been praying every week via our Instagram handle about these events and how to be aligned. Do well to join us.

What then is the Lord saying this November?

  1. To the World

1. God led me to pray for the Middle Eastern countries and the government (those Islam countries). As I prayed, I heard the word ‘Alheri’. I checked it. It’s a Hausa word for ‘grace’. God is saying there is grace over the lands of these countries and we would do well to turn to increased agricultural production of these lands instead of continuing to depend on Europe.

2. I see a man with the witness of Cyrus conquering East Africa, especially areas/ countries along the coastlines. The man was resisted by the elite and the systems of the land but the systems collapsed before him as though they had been waiting for him. The walls fell before him. The people embraced him and the land prospered. What I saw felt like the man brought peace and prosperity along with his conquest. The areas I saw were around the Horn of Africa such as Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique.

The witness of Cyrus is different from that of the Nebuchadnezzar. Both were gentile, yet the former restored the people and even aid the rebuilding of the temple. The latter, however, defiled the instruments of the temple and was idolatrous.

3. I saw a strange fire of revival burning over Africa, it was not the usual flames. It felt and looked distinct and it was not like any other before it.

  1. To Nigeria

1. As the nation builds toward her 2023 General Elections, we will more internal rancor amidst campaign teams and within the party. I saw the Presidential Candidacy tried to consult with the aggrieved people but the selfishness of everyone was too deep and the matter remained unsettled.

2. I also saw a vision of people spreading a lack of hope and pessimism, cursing the government and the leaders, and God said if they don’t desist, they will see the testimony of Nigeria but not partake in it (2 Kings 7).

  1. To the Church

Ezra 3:10–13

The state of the church is a mixture of those weeping and those rejoicing. The weeping is caused by the state of the church and those rejoicing, they are grateful for the little victories. The noise of weeping is mixed with the noise of joy. But here’s what God says…

“Tear down your barns, rebuild them and enlarge them. For the days coming are days of harvest. Those who have sowed with tears (prayers) will reap plenty. And those who are rejoicing with the little they’ve seen will see more. That the sound of rejoicing and harvest will echo off the mountains of Babylon”. Amen!

God says, “The Joel 2 army is not rising, the army is here”.


In this particular issue, we want to sensitize us toward praying for the nations of the earth. We knew the conflicts and unrest would be much but we should still pray. Create time to particularly pray

  1. For peace in African countries, against civil unrest. Ethiopia for example.
  2. For student campuses, over the continent, especially Nigeria as the election year closes in.
  3. For peace irrespective of the result of the election.
  4. For flood victims all over the world.

For inquiries, prayers, and testimonies, contact us at

Adesoji Fasanya

Team Lead, Eden House.




Written by EDEN HOUSE

A prophetic house with the divine mandate to raise a prophetic generation with true prophetic culture. IG: @propheticvibes Contact:

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