3 min readOct 31, 2024


Theme: The Days Ahead

Image from Unsplash

Greetings to you in the name of the Lord, 2024 is fast coming to an end and we are grateful for always reading all forms of articles that get released in this ministry. We don’t take this work lightly for we believe that we are doing God’s work.

We would love to announce that the last edition of BEARING OTHER’S BURDEN for 2024 will be starting this November. To this end, we ask that if you have prayer requests and you don’t mind having us pray along with you; please send your prayer requests to edenhouseconnect@gmail.com and our prayer team will join you in prayers.

Furthermore, we seek volunteers in Graphics Designs, Media and other creatives who can join this prophetic house in helping us birth the goal of raising prophetic people in sound doctrine and true prophetic culture. Please send us a mail if you feel led to join what God is doing here in Eden House.

What then is the Lord saying as we approach the end of 2024?

Today 27th of October 2024, I heard in my spirit, angelic sound released over the world. And as we see from the apocalyptic book of John (Revelation), every time an angelic sound is released upon the earth, there will be a launching of the next phase in the divine agenda. This is why I believe so much that there is going to be an unveiling of divine purpose that will begin to change the fabric and perception of the church on the earth. This major shift will also be aided by the aftermath of the US elections. I remember the Lord telling me that the US election is an election of system versus systems; one of generational consequences. The heavens are set for this new agenda but will the people choose the Lord’s path?

Here is how the word of the Lord came to me on the 21st of October, 2024;.

“USA, it’s not a man v. man; it’s system v. system. For either way you turn, each will build a system that will last. One system will prepare you for My visitation, the other won’t. When I come, will I find faith in you?”

This is why it is expedient for believers everywhere to begin to pray for the US, its political system and elections. Someone might asks why should Nigerians or any other nation pray for the US. The answer is in Jeremiah 29:4–7. It is clear that Jeremiah told the captives in Babylon to pray for Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar because it was God’s will for them to be in that land for the next 70 years, after which He will now judge their captors. So, raise your voice in prayers for the United States of America.

On the same day, God spoke to me concerning Nigeria;

“From among the ruins up North will come a product of societal injustice, furnished like burnished brass. With this figure is a sea of support from many across your nation and they’ll cause prosperity to grow in your pockets, o inhabitants of a giant nation.‬”

It was 11/10/2024, in the wake of Elon Musk launching the Robovan, Robotaxi and other robotic technology, I saw a vision of robots employed in generating electricity and power supply from space. It is important to note that this vision might not be taken literally. For it might refer to the technological exploits of outer space origin that will be actualized as time goes on.

It is also pertinent to say that I perceive a storm coming against the Pentecostals and Charismatics block of the church in Nigeria. I wish PFN and CAN were stronger politically to help weather the storm. However, I perceive by the Lord that those days will be short, for the season of church growth will sweep across the nation and the glory of those days will be as the brightness of a new say.

Thank you and God bless you.

Adesoji Aderemi

Team Lead, Eden House


Written by EDEN HOUSE

A prophetic house with the divine mandate to raise a prophetic generation with true prophetic culture. IG: @propheticvibes Contact: edenhouseconnect@gmail.com

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