3 min readSep 30, 2022



Greetings to our dear readers in the name of the Lord. Truthfully speaking, God has been faithful to us. Some months ago, I was on a trip to Ibadan in South West, Nigeria (one of the most populous cities in Nigeria). On my journey, I happened to climb an overhead bridge and I saw a sea of people from the vantage point. At that point, I heard God say, “Humans are always in the darkness of knowledge, they all don’t know what to do or what not to do. The prophetic is what lights up that knowledge and gives direction to the troubled soul.” This understanding is why as a house, we sometimes get negative feelings due to the number of readers our newsletter and articles get. We wish many read them and be aware of what God is saying but then, we are quick to thank God for the few who are reading and taking steps according.

The year is gradually coming to an end but what is the Lord saying to us in the few weeks left?

  1. To the Church

1. God is calling the church to evangelism more than ever before. He wants His word to be taken out to the streets and highways. He seeks the young and the old, the male and the female, the poor and the rich, everyone alike.

Moreover, God is not just seeking evangelism, He is calling on us to take the gospel to the desert places — RURAL EVANGELISM. God’s hand is moving in the rural spaces because He loves to confound the wise. God says;

“Take the gospel to the seemingly unheard, deserted places, participate in the work of God in those places, and break the arm of flesh and idolatry in those places. And your God who sees you in secret will reward you openly.” (Deuteronomy 32:10)
Ensure you are part of it in whatever capacity. If you cannot go, pray for those going and also give to the cause.

2. Psalms 11 NLT.

Once again, the church should not fret and be running here and there for safety and comfort. Believers should take solace in God and His word. Especially with the decay going on in the world now; the foundations of law and order are out of place, yet the believer must rest in God and not in another country or man. Believers should embrace God more than ever before because His justice will come and righteousness will rule.

Be reminded of the February 2022 Prophetic Newsletter. Running isn’t the answer, trust God enough to lean on Him.

  1. To the Nations

I saw the land of Ecuador in a quick vision and it overflowed with honey from one location to another. And I knew that the land will soon become one of the greatest exporters of honey and by this, wealth creation will be for many Ecuadorians.

God showed me the demon called ‘divorce’ and how it is struggling to be more known. But another force held it back. Then He said, “The fact that you see more divorce around isn’t equal to the absence of good, kingdom, and beautiful marriages. You choose your lot by what you focus your mind on.”
Then He reminded me about the principle of Weed and Wheat, written on September 7, 2022.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The penultimate session of BEARING ANOTHER’S BURDEN for this year is open again until the end of the first week in October 2022. Kindly click here to send in your prayer requests. We will pray for you and if God gives us a word for you, we will send you a reply. Be expectant and ready to share your testimonies.

Also, join our PRAYER AND PROPHETIC SESSION every Wednesday by 3 pm on Instagram live (@propheticvibes).

Adesoji Fasanya

Team Lead, Eden House.




Written by EDEN HOUSE

A prophetic house with the divine mandate to raise a prophetic generation with true prophetic culture. IG: @propheticvibes Contact: edenhouseconnect@gmail.com

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