3 min readSep 30, 2023



A. On the 19th of September, I saw a vision of chaos on ships and submarines. Countries were at war and allies were saving each other while others attacked. I saw secret meetings, deals, and a particular water vessel with hidden rooms with lots of buttons and screens like a control center. This vessel looked like a world power country but they were oblivious of another rocket aimed at them until they were hit. Then there was multiplied chaos as they sought out help from vessels of allied countries. I saw that the majority of the war was on vessels and large water bodies.

After the vision lifted, I prayed. While I prayed, God said to me “Pray against World War 3”.

As I began to pray, I saw what looked like a water bag and wine out a jug was poured into it and the water bag kept soaking it in till it burst.

Then I pressed for the meaning and God said, “It’s their longing and desire for the wine of war that will lead to their downfall. For they will burst by the multitude of desire to drink the blood of the innocent.”

We pray that all of such selfish people will choke on their thirst for evil. World Power Countries shouldn’t think they have nothing to lose if a world war breaks out for they have so much to lose and they will lose.

A few days after, I was pressing into these matters and God said to me,

“Look to the waters! Look to the sea, for its waves will swallow they that walk into its depths, with their tanks because of their insatiable appetite for blood and war.”

B. I see a lot of African countries pulling on themselves big boulders of calamities. Some of which will be so huge to cause fracture and breakaway of regions and people. These boulders are self-inflicted and can only be averted by the countries themselves.

God said to say, “Look not to the North (Europe) and the West (America) for help in the day of your calamity, but look up to Me and look within yourselves for I am your help and I have placed help in your midst. They whose trust in is strangers will have their end worse off.”

C. Morocco started to come up in my spirit over and over. As I pressed in, I saw a new light on the horizon over Morocco, like the dawning of a New Day and a phoenix rising from ashes. The night is now past and the day is here.

D. I had been seeking the face of God as regards Nigeria as we approach 63rd Independence. And I was talking to a friend over the phone when I suddenly felt a stirring in my spirit.

As I prayed, I heard the voice of One like a trumpet, that says… “I am Coming”. As I pressed in, I was reminded of how the Children of Israel prayed in Egypt and God came through for them as He sent Moses to them.

“As your taskmasters increase your burden, o dear Nigeria, you must not be comfortable in pain, lift your voice in prayers, and show discontent against your taskmasters and your state. Do not sing and enjoy the moment and forget the hope of the future. For if you will do right, I will come speedily, riding a horse but if you will forget the hope of the future, I will come riding an ass.”


Adesoji Fasanya

Team Lead, Eden House




Written by EDEN HOUSE

A prophetic house with the divine mandate to raise a prophetic generation with true prophetic culture. IG: @propheticvibes Contact: edenhouseconnect@gmail.com

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