Image from Ascension Press
Greetings in the name of our God. I want to specifically appreciate everyone who is a follower of our ministry. We covet your prayers for the ministry’s growth and expansion.
One of those things I believe God is beginning to do is cause a revival of the culture for the word of God expressed by Bible study and reading in the body of Christ; leading to — what I heard as — A generation of Preachers.
The word of the Lord came to me on the 12th of September, 2024 saying; “the darkness ahead is thick and heavy. The world will be faced with so much pain and darkness and the answer will be found only with those who truly know Yahweh (Daniel 11:32). This is not some mental assent but an experiential knowledge of God.”
The days will be hard and even the elect will fall. The only thing that will preserve them will be “the knowledge of God”. Invest in knowing the Lord.
In a vision on the 16th of September 2024, I caught a glimpse into the mystery Queen that seats over West Africa. In this vision, I saw a woman sitting on a throne as the Queen over the whole of West Africa. Then I saw different men from different tribes planning to oust her. They killed her but then, they started to fight over who would take over from her.
Suddenly, there appeared a priestess who held the debate for who would take the place of the deceased Queen. The priestess then ushered in another Queen and the men were displaced. The vision ended and I kept pondering what it meant.
As I prayed, God explained to me from Revelations 17. The Queen is the scarlet harlot. The men were kings (horns in verse 12). They had one mind which was to dispose of her but her priest wouldn’t let her go.
Watch out for the mystery called Babylon and pray against her fornication being unleashed over West Africa. The way out is in Revelations 18. The angelic ministry. The faithfulness of God requires that the angelic ministry be active in such a time as this because that’s the ministry that crushes the Scarlet Woman.
The war for the soul of South America is on. The objective is to stifle the divine national alignment ongoing in Argentina. Brazil like Nigeria is not anywhere near her prophetic destiny and the hand of the evil rests on her. Raise the continent in prayers.
Pray for the US that God’s will superimpose the will of men. Moves of global consequences are in play.
Now, I turn my heart to the Maiduguri Flood in North-Eastern Nigeria, and here’s what I perceive;
The Maiduguri Flood may have been the fault of men but the hand of God is involved to use it as a justice expression. The same flood that destroys the hold of evil will also cause the glorification of God’s system.
Adesoji Aderemi
For: The Prophetic Team