Image from Lifeway Church
Calvary greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is with great pleasure that I write to you to bring this month’s prophetic word to you. This year hasn’t been full of different things however, as we approach the end of 2024, God will begin to crown the year with good things.
A. On the 8th of August 2024, I saw dark days ahead of Nigeria. Since 2022/23, I’ve been saying that Nigeria is in her birth pangs and the pangs have never been louder. I have seen visions of security men littered on the streets trying to bring some level of peace as the agitations came in torrentially. The agitations will come as it is necessary to deliver the daughter of her people from the burdens that have been laid on them.
In a turn of events, on the 20th of August 2024, I equally saw uniformed men in their numbers with placards and banners, protesting against the government. The nature of their protests wasn’t clear but they seem to be “not on the government’s side”.
More so, I have recently written about policies and processes that were an attempt to change the identity of Nigeria as a country. Again, I saw the map of Nigeria in a vision on the 17th of August 2024 and God said to me, “There’s a plan to change the identity of the nation. To change her identity is to change her destiny. Pray for the country.”
This is a good place to raise our voices and pray against trading the identity/destiny of Nigeria. And to pray against policies that may directly or indirectly have such consequences.
On the 28th of August 2024, as the prophetic team prayed at the daily prayer hour, God began to expound Luke 8:26–39 to me. In this story of the demon-possessed man of Gadarenes, Jesus cast the demons out and gave him a purpose which was to proclaim the acts and goodness of God. However, the inhabitants of the region pursued Christ because of the fear of a new and better possibility. The priesthood changed but the people were too complacent and scared to embrace the beautiful change. This is very similar to Nigerians being complacent and afraid to embrace the change and settle for the pain and suffering; crying in silence instead of embracing the change that is coming.
Let him that has an ear hear what the Spirit is saying.
B. On the 12th of August 2024, I saw a vision of heavy supernatural acts with undeniable proof happen in the body of Christ. The Church of God in Nigeria (and I believe beyond) will begin to see great and mighty supernatural acts. Heaven has released grace accordingly. In my visions, I saw believers being carried by the Spirit to events. The anointing has been released, we only need to get ready.
At a time like this, answers to prayers will be quick and testimonies will abound. It is God showing His love towards His people and His mercy towards a depraved world.
Get Ready!!!
Adesoji Aderemi
For the Prophetic Team