By The Dawn
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You know, I’ve been reflecting on the concept of hoarding lately. It’s often seen in a negative light, equated with greed or an inability to let go of things.
But I like to differ here, as I begin to see that there’s an interesting perspective to consider: the idea that hoarding can be a gift.
We live in a society where we’re constantly told to declutter, to simplify, and to let go of the excess. And there’s wisdom in that.
But there’s also something to be said about the value of preserving things that matter, of holding onto what is precious. It’s like saying, “All things are lawful, but not all things are expedient.” Just because we CAN discard things doesn’t always mean we SHOULD. (1 Corinthians 10:23)
And so I remember 10 beautiful Virgins.
Five of them were ‘selfish’ enough to hoard extra oil for their lamps while the others did not think about it. Jesus called these latter ones, foolish virgins.
I reckon all ten of them were sisters, but once those whose lamps were burnt out needed extra oil, the ones who hoarded an oil for MORE would refuse to just let it go. Because sometimes, you need to hide carefully that which has been given to you, or else, the selfishness or wickedness of humans and the trickery wisdom of satan will steal it from you.
So when the bridegroom arrives, you should join the wedding feast. (Mathew 25:1–13).
It’s about being prudent and strategic, such that when the time comes, everything is in place to seize the moment.
Of course, there’s a balance to be struck. Hoarding should never become an obsession or lead to a state of being overwhelmed by clutter. But when done thoughtfully, it can be a means of PRESERVATION and PREPARATION. It’s about recognizing what is truly valuable and holding onto it, not out of FEAR or GREED, but out of a sense of PURPOSE and FORESIGHT.
So maybe hoarding isn’t always a vice. In the right context, it can be a gift, a way of safeguarding what’s essential for the future.
It’s a reminder that while we have the freedom to let go, sometimes the most expedient thing is to hold on.
I’m your partner in perseverance.
This is where my ‘rhema’ ends.
Selah 💜