The word ‘Mammon’ isn’t a new word, every student of the Bible wouldn’t think twice before attributing the word to money or wealth and that is absolutely correct. In this piece, however, we will seek to expatiate on the workings of mammon and take a step ahead from JULY 2022 Prophetic Newsletter and also prepare ourselves for AUGUST 2022 Prophetic Newsletter.
In Matthew 6:24 Jesus Christ was speaking and He made a direct comparison between God and Mammon, He specifically said, “No one can serve two masters…You cannot serve God and Mammon”. This comparison isn’t in parity or sameness but in human service, which is as God is served, mammon can be served. To further stress this; Jesus is saying as God receives worship, money or wealth or treasure can receive worship.
The Greek word translated as Mammon is ‘mammonas’ which is from the Chaldee origin and it means ‘confidence or trust’. This goes to show that as it is possible for a man to have confidence in God, men can also have confidence in wealth or riches. Ecclesiastes 7:12 has always been quoted to support the thirst and craving for money and material wealth, but that scripture is comparing wisdom and money and it can be literarily quoted as;
“To be under the shadow of wisdom is the same as to be under the shadow of money; rather the excellency of the knowledge of wisdom gives life in the highest sense both in this world and the one to come” (JFB Commentary)
This scripture is telling us to pick whose side we want to be on; the side of money or wisdom. I am not against being wealthy as you would see as you read on but we need to appropriately divide the word of truth, so we can avoid the shackles of the doctrines of devils (1 Timothy 4:1).
For a proper understanding of what Jesus was saying in Matthew 6:24, we turn to Luke 16:1–13. In that scripture, we see an unfaithful steward who was cunning in his dealings. In verse 9, Jesus described what the steward’s position was. It was that he had become friends with the unrighteous mammon so that when he dies, the unrighteous mammon will receive him in his eternal home — which of course is the lake that burns with fire. This is why I believe mammon is a spirit and not just the dollar or the naira or the material wealth in your possession. Money in whatever currency doesn’t have an eternal home, it will perish with this world but the mammon behind will face eternal damnation, and sadly it is looking for many to drag into judgment with itself.
Another point of discussion from Luke 16 is this; it is so easy to look at the unfaithful steward and look away from the master’s debtors who seem to be quiet in the whole parable. But pause and read the story again. Why were they comfortable with changing figures and reducing the amount they owe? Because the steward asked them to? Or any other reason?
Whatever reason you give, permit me to share this view with you — they were also under the influence of mammon. As a matter of fact, a comparison of verse 9 and verse 4 reveals that the debtors could be an allegory for mammon in the parable. Why is that? Because the mammon spirit expresses itself in the wealthy as greed but expresses itself in the poor as an insatiable desire for gifts or freebies. To put it in 21st-century grammar; the rich want to get richer and the poor want giveaways because they carry a sense of entitlement. Invariably, the focus and confidence of the rich are in their strength and ability to make more wealth; and the poor depend on the next opportunity to get a free ‘candy’. While the rich is ensuring he makes more money irrespective of the way and manner even if he has to kill or infringe if the right and welfare of others; the poor want to make money even if he has to place a bet here or there, steal a thing or two and the list goes on. Unfortunately, both of them are under the influence of mammon because their confidence is in the extra dollar they make or the free naira they doubled while betting. Remember we said earlier that ‘mammon’ means confidence.
What the spirit of mammon doesn’t want you to know is that it is God who gives the power to get wealth (Deuteronomy 8:14–20). Notice that it didn’t say, ‘power to make wealth’ but ‘power to get wealth’. This means wealth is gotten and not made, if we embrace the power of God and trust in Him, we would get the wealth he has made for us; we will work from rest. I hope we remember that the first Adam didn’t work to eat, he ate to work. He arrived in a garden already furnished and as he ate, he tendered the garden.
I can almost hear your thought as you quote 2Thessalonians 3:11–12 and other related scriptures that admonish work and diligence. I haven’t insinuated that we shouldn’t work or be diligent, I am saying until you carry a mindset of total dependence on God as regards your finances, you will remain under the influence of mammon. The mindset you should carry is that your sustenance is God and not Wall Street or the economy of your country.
This is because, in the days to come, I see the One who shakes all things shaking all things, and the economy of nations will tremble and fall. This is because the spirit of mammon has seated for long on the economies of nations but it is time for her to be unseated. The arm of flesh will fail, figures will crash, currencies will devalue, financial systems will topple and treasures will no longer hold so much value but from the ashes will rise kingdom men who will light the menorah and the lights of it will shine far and wide. Those who serve mammon will make way for those who serve God.
In conclusion, I hope we find time to pray Psalms 139:23–24 that God searches our hearts and uproot the love for money and material wealth. So that our eyes and hearts may be on Him alone and our confidence will rest in Him and His word. I hope we find time to pray for the countries of the earth too, that God’s kingdom will be established and His influence will cover the earth. To the end that men see and embrace His glory. Amen!
Adesoji Fasanya
Team Lead, Eden House.