5 min readNov 29, 2024


Understanding the sins that besets young ministers in the light of current divine agenda

Image from House Beautiful

Calvary greetings dear reader,

2024 is a few days to the end and we want to especially appreciate your constant support by reading and sharing our articles and newsletters. We trust that in 2025, we will do so much more and better for the glory and praise of Yahweh.

As our custom is, we don’t particularly write a newsletter for December as the focus is on the new year and deciphering the heart of God for the year. However, to leave our readers (both new and old) without communicating would be a grave error.

More so, there’s a demand to write a piece on some of the dangers that can befall a young minister. We put all these together and thought to write this piece.

The young minister is perhaps one of God’s strongest assets in the cosmic war between the forces of good and evil. Proverbs 20:29 makes a recurse to the strength of the youth as their advantage. Ecclesiastes 12 also attempts to show that young persons do have an advantage in their services to God. This reality can’t be ignored. The vigor and creativity of the young folks are one of their greatest qualities.

Malevolent supernatural forces are also aware of this reality and attempt to manipulate young ministers. So, youthful exuberance is a thing. The devil plans to always attack young folks to counter their productivity in the things of God.

Here are some of the ways the devil challenges young ministers.

Jude, in his epistle, was addressing the infiltration of certain falsehoods or wolves into the Christian community. He reminded his readers of some Old Testament events as a way of admonishing them not to fall for the craftiness of the silent wolves.

Then in verses 10–11, he described these wolves as walking in the way of Cain, the error of Balaam, and the rebellion of Korah. These 3 things are very important for the young minister to guide against.


Cain was the man who killed his brother even after being warned by God of the sin that wanted to devour him. We read his story in Genesis 4. His is not an issue of the kind of sacrifice he brought, but an act of unbelief. In verse 7, God said to Cain, “If you do well, will you not be accepted?”

Sometimes, we may be caught in the acts of unbelief. Quick identification and repentance are key to avoiding the way of Cain. According to Hebrews 11 and 1 John 1, Cain lived in unbelief as opposed to the faith demonstrated by Abel, his brother. The truth is, without faith, pleasing God is practically impossible (Hebrews 11:6). Young persons must therefore ensure they remain in faith and have nothing to do with unbelief.


As a prophet by calling, I find Balaam to be a symbol of oddity. He was a Gentile who knew the God of Israel. He then used his knowledge to outplay Israel so that Balak’s desire against the people would come to pass. All for earthly possession, gains, and decaying glory. He was greedy and he became a symbol of falsehood and false prophets.

You’ll find his story in Numbers 22–24. The resulting promiscuity that followed between Israelites and the Moabites (Chapter 25) was the result of the advice of Balaam to Balak (Numbers 31:16, Micah 6:5). Balaam knew what would offend God and taught Balak and therefore put a stumbling block on Israel. The end of Balaam is sad. He became a diviner (Joshua 13:22), killed cheaply with the heathen (Numbers 31:8), and became a symbol of false prophets (Revelation 2:14).

Young persons must avoid immediate gratification as opposed to eternal reward with Christ. Young ministers must set their priorities right and not follow the error of Balaam.


We read about Korah in Numbers 16. Korah of Kohathites had led a rebellion against Moses and Aaron with his kinsmen. God had called him and his kinsmen to a position of esteem, they were one of the four main divisions of the Levites who seemingly had more honor because of their responsibility. Numbers 26:9–10 said that Korah and his company contended against God.

For Korah and his company, Moses was wrong to take the position God gave him. God glorified Moses and made the people honor him; but for some reason, Korah and his company were not happy. Could it be jealousy? Maybe. Whatever it was, it seems to be the trap that talented people fall into. Rebellion is not the sin of the poor, lowly, and misfits; it’s always those who are gifted, who think they are better and useful that often rebel. This is why young ministers must set themselves on some guard as it becomes necessary for a continual heart check to avoid falling away from divine usefulness.

Before I drop my pen, I’d like to add that young ministers must avoid the traps of Jezebel. The workings of Jezebel are adulterous, immoral, and idolatrous (Revelation 2:30). Her traps can even be trans-generational; imagine how the Jezebel spirit appeared in Herodias to catch John the Baptist (Elijah regen). She has a propensity for those in power for she’s a principality that likes to command cult followership. Beware!

All these become necessary at this season because of what I believe God is doing in His church. I believe God is causing a realignment, connecting people, and rearrangement of young persons into places and relationships that will be necessary for the future move of God. Connections and collaborations with kingdom purposes; and partners with divine agenda are being formed and welded. Young persons are moving to places and strategic alliances are being formed by God. The season of increased church growth, wealth, influence, glory, and revival is closer now than when we first believed.

Watch out for these pits and let’s trust God more than ever.

Shalom folks,

Adesoji Aderemi

Team Lead, Eden House




Written by EDEN HOUSE

A prophetic house with the divine mandate to raise a prophetic generation with true prophetic culture. IG: @propheticvibes Contact:

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