It is a new month, the second month of the year. We express gratitude to God for keeping us. As Yahweh keeps us, He releases His word to us for us to understand His heart and not just be merely alive.
God says February should be a month of praise, not complaining and worrying.
A. To Nigeria
February 2023 is a month of praise amongst believers in Nigeria for the victory God has given us (Psalm 149:5–9).
For Nigeria, curves and bends exist throughout the year 2023. It feels like a terrain we hadn’t passed before, the darkness of loneliness threatens but God says, “as long as we follow His directions, his glory will lead us through.”
“Do not think, the ascension of the new in the coming elections will bring immediate restoration but it is the foundation of the coming restoration. Trust me”, the Lord says.
“Going with the old will not bring restoration, it will only give you what you’ve known with its lies and deceit perpetually.”
B. To the Church
The vision I had on the 1st of November, 2022 is now clear. On that day, in deep silence Worship, I saw the firmament of the heavens. It was as though the heavens were a stored building. Then I saw an Angel take me down to the last tier of the house. Then I saw repairs ongoing being carried out by angels.
God led me to the book of Amos and in the last chapter, then clarity came. Amos 9:5–6, 11–13.
1. What I saw was the strata of the heavens. Angels came down to the first strata, the atmosphere that man interacts with.
2. The plowman overtaking the reaper makes allusion to the natural order of seasons and that the crops and fruits from one season will be abundant that the next season will catch up.
3. It is about the Israel of God, which is the church. Not the whole world.
4. The mountains dripping with new wine talk of new dimensions of anointing for the church that will be seen in all mountains of influence. And the hills of delay and obstruction will melt away.
5. However, these blessings will come on the strength of ‘raising the tabernacle of David’ which is praise.
As God gave us in November 2022 Prophetic Newsletter, We are coming into a season of increased blessing and abundance for the church, her influence will be seen far and wide, and her growth in all spheres and dimensions will be much more than before.
Imagine a day when financial institutions are sponsors of annual Christian conferences and programs of all sorts. Imagine a day when financial institutions have their exhibition stands at Christian programs. Those days will come!
However, she must employ praise going forward!
Last month, we released the 2023 Prophetic Newsletter where we said something about freebies. Now, we will talk about the details.
On the 24th of November, 2023, I saw a crowd of people, so great, they were feasting in a big hall. I moved closer and began to listen to the conversations of the people.
I found out that they all had come to eat free food. Without the knowledge of its source, they ate and were happy. I joined them too. Then I saw an old teacher/guardian of mine who insisted that I don’t partake of the meal and ordered my food, which I ate. Then he warned against it. But as the events played out, I saw myself in the company of another set of people rushing in for free food, they served everyone even after skipping me initially. I finished first and demanded a gift for it.
In a turn of events, I saw everyone had finished eating but we couldn’t leave. The food owners had insisted that before we leave, we must have some meetings and discussions else wouldn’t be allowed to leave. In a rage, I confronted them that they shouldn’t say that. A fight broke out. Everyone with their objects of war fought and while I wounded some with their weapons, I escaped but the fight continued as the vision lifted.
In 2023, there would be abundance but just as God tested them in the wilderness with manna (Deuteronomy 8:16), so will many be tested and the sin of Balaam and Esau will abound (Revelations 2:14, Hebrews 12:16). The heart of many will be drawn away by the abundance and the seeming prosperity. The idol in the heart of many will be revealed. Greed, gluttony, self-preservation, self-glorification, and self-centeredness will abound (Psalms 78:30).
Many will desire vain glory and immediate pleasure without thought of the latter judgment that would come. People who fall into this ditch will pay dearly for it. Don’t be deceived, it’s time for judgment on the god of ‘freebies and immediate relief’.
On the 11th of January, 2023, God said to take up a lamentation against the beast of La Francophone.
“May the beast tear from head to toe, may its influence over destinies of nations be lost, may the rider be pursued as stubble before the wind, may an end come to her wickedness.” Amen!
Best Regards,
Adesoji Fasanya
Team Lead, Eden House